How AI Development Services Enhance Customer Experience


Pranay Bhandare

3 min

Nov 22, 2024

Customer experience is the pillar that all businesses stand on. If your customers don’t have a good experience, your business will fail. That is why it is important for the success of a company that they treat their customers well and ensure they have a good experience.

Where are you more likely to visit again? —a store where the employees greet you warmly and assist you the whole time you’re in the store or a store where the employees are indifferent to your existence and only interact with you when you’re paying at the counter. Most of us would pick the former; assistance from an employee can give the customer a personalised experience that would be much more fulfilling and informative than if they were exploring the store independently. 

But employees can sometimes find it hard to handle a ‘Karen’ as the internet calls them; they can often be unruly and unpredictable. Even for a trained customer service agent, how does one deal with such individuals without burning out your employees? With AI software solutions implemented into your customer experience, the AI would be able to assist your employees in handling unruly customers with relative ease. 

But that isn’t the only way AI software integration would assist in enhancing the customer experience.

Hyper personalisation 

An AI would be able to target specific individuals with products it knows they are interested in by analysing customer data, the AI software can give them personalised recommendations, which make the interactions feel tailored to individuals' preferences. It could also give them personalised deals to make the experience feel more personal and make the customer feel like they matter, making the experience more enjoyable too. For example, Spotify curating personalised playlists based on the type of music a user frequently listens to and Starbucks incentivising frequent visits with discounts on a customer’s favourite coffee.

Improved customer support

An AI is the perfect customer support agent; it doesn’t get tired of answering repetitive questions; you don’t have to feel shy asking a question you think is dumb or obvious, plus it can never get frustrated dealing with an unruly customer. While developing AI software, it can very literally be programmed with the belief that the customer is always right, making them perfect for customer service. When a human employee isn’t on the clock to help a customer with a problem of theirs, the AI can be activated to help fill in for them so that the customer's needs can be attended to 24/7. Many fast-food restaurants have begun using AI assistants to take drive-thru orders to lessen the burden on their employees, making the drive-thru experience more efficient.

Enhanced Data Utilisation

You can figure out a lot about a customer using AI, even if they don’t tell you anything. The AI can analyse customer data that you have to forecast future behaviours, like predicting when it’s about time the customer might need to reorder a product and sending a reminder, or better yet, offering an incentive so that purchasing from you seems much more appealing to the customer, like how Flipkart notices the reorder patterns of a customer and sends them personalised discounts to give them the push to buy it again. This can also help businesses predict buying trends as a whole, allowing them to tell when certain products will be most desirable to customers.

Operational Efficiency

AI chatbots can help take care of a variety of repetitive tasks such as answering FAQs, processing refunds, or managing appointments, which would free up human employees to deal with more important and complex tasks. Using AI as a way to lessen the load on human employees is beneficial for all parties: the company, employees, and customers. The AI can also monitor customer interactions to make sure that the customers are receiving a good service experience. Amazon’s Rufus, the AI on their app, acts like a customer support agent and can answer any questions about a product you’ve purchased and is available at all times.

Example of AI enhancing customer experience 

With the help of Ink In Caps, Deloitte developed an AI that would act as an AI sales assistant for the people visiting their experience centre. It was created to showcase how they thought the future of retail would look. The resulting AI assistant blew away all visitors; it had human expressions and spoke naturally; it was even capable of humour and understanding when you’re saying something sarcastically while having a conversation with you. The AI was able to help by suggesting what would look best on you, such as telling you to go with a blue dial customisation on the watch you’ve chosen because it gives off a vibe of authority.


IIC has helped companies like Deloitte create successful and immersive experiences that assist in embedding the brand name into the minds of the customers. If you want more information about the experience we created for Deloitte, you can find that and many more case studies in the ‘Our Works’ section.

About the Author

Pranay Bhandare
SEO Executive


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Pranay Bhandare
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