object recognition table

ORT Installation To Experience The Wellness


Shapoorji Pallonji Real Estate


Object Recognition Table

object recognition table
  Implementation object recognition table
wellness zone at their sales center

Featuring the Wellness Theme

The main objective of this initiative was to highlight the theme of “Wellness of Life” before the customers who visited Shapoorji Pallonji’s Sales Office for inquiries.  However they found it tough to translate this message into an interactive format to communicate it to their customers. So IIC with Sharpooji Pallonji’s created a wellness zone at their sales center.

interactive format to communicate it to their customers

The Levels of Wellness

Highlight the theme of “Wellness of Life

SAROVA works on 5 levels of wellness. We developed an Object Recognition Table with 5 beautifully designed icons made out of crystals that the users could place in specific spots to check the property offerings. A 3D sound system was also incorporated, resulting in an experience that was both a visual and audio marvel We built an immersive experience which functioned on sound and interaction.We divided their theme into 5 categories leveraging the object recognition technology.  All the objects were made out of crystal and when the user placed the object on the recognition table then it would come to life and interact. In a story format, we developed a beautiful content inspired by nature with neon butterflies and greenery. The entire animation was kept simplistic and a sound system was put together to make users feel enchanted. The project was highly appreciated by sales agents and customers loved the experience.

Voice Enquiry
Performance    Passion   Collaboration  
  Ink In Caps