The power of less


By Pallavi Rakhecha

4 min read

Apr 1, 2024
Less Is More

“Our life is frittered away by detail- Simplify, simply, simplify! Simplicity of life and elevation of Purpose ”

~ Henry Thoreau

In a world of the More the Merrier, let’s try exploring the Power of Less!

Being a person from GenZ, I always assumed minimalism as a style direction, something that was being practiced as it had suddenly picked up pace and was becoming popular. As I went ahead and dived deep into the ocean of minimalism, I recognized that there is more to it than just the style direction, it is actually a way of life. It is about understanding what actually means something to you and then freeing yourself from the rest, leaving room for things that matter.

Why Less is Powerful

Simplifying things is a very crucial part of the Zen Habits. When one limits oneself to fewer goals, one can narrow down his focus on the very essentials. This helps in achieving the set goals more efficiently and effectively.

When you have too much on your plate, you become indecisive and tend to lose focus, sometimes it may also leave you overwhelmed. During these times, decluttering your life becomes the need of the hour

I came across this beautiful article, 7 Zen Habits That Will Transform Your Life (Literally) 
These habits look really simple, but adopting them can create a huge impact in our lives in the long run.

Quality Never Goes out of Style

We should focus on keeping quality over quantity. If something is not adding value to your life, it should be eliminated, Immediately!

Instead of juggling between different things, one must focus more on mindfully managing time Here is a video by Ali Abdaal, in which he reveals 10 principles that he uses to effectively manage time.

Quality Never Goes out of Style

Six Productivity Principles that can change your life completely

By studying and practicing these six principles of minimalist living, anyone can be empowered to achieve even the unimaginable

01. setting Limitations

In the world that we are living in today, multi-tasking and jumping from one task to another has just become a part of our routines, sometimes to the extent that we are bound to think that if we aren’t working on multiple things at once, we are just wasting time. It should not be the case. Breathe! We shouldn’t let the expiry of time, dictate our limits. It is vital to set the limit of the time that we are going to invest in different tasks and not try to stretch ourselves beyond our limits so much that it results in exhaustion. By restricting time in the smallest task, we will be able to gain time instead of trying to fit within its constricted confines.

 Productivity Principles that can change your life completely

02. Choosing the Essentials

Nearly 50% of the things that we do every day are not even essential to us. Most of these are not the needs that require immediate fulfilment. But we somehow end up wasting a major chunk of our time and energy on them. It is important to distinguish between the absolutely necessary tasks and the things that you think you should be doing. By doing this, we are left with the list of tasks that are the most crucial in achieving our goals and we can thereby focus on only those to accomplish greater success in whatever we do. The video of the Minimalists at TedxWhitefish explaining why it is important to choose your essentials will make you rethink your decision of buying those Luxury Cars and expensive clothes

03. Simplifying

When you filter out your essential tasks, you can postpone your non-essential tasks for the future or delegate them to a co-worker. In that way, you are not just abandoning any task randomly. One also needs to keep the To-Do-List as simple as possible.

Simplify Your Life by Elaine St. James is a very influential book that will inspire you to live a simple life.

04. Focusing

Once we are left with fewer things on our plate, the most important point enters the picture. Focus is the key factor in achieving any goal. Zen Habits entail targeting just one thing, one goal, one task at a time. When we are focusing on more than one thing, it can hamper our productivity, distract us or limit our success. 

05. Creating New Habits 

Charles Duhigg's The Power of Habit truly illustrates what wonders a habit can do. We should focus on practicing a task so many times that it becomes a habit and then we can effortlessly go on slaying our goals.

06. Starting Small

It is always good to start with being a minimalist. One can start any task in small chunks and then keep building on it as and when the habit starts developing and he becomes an expert in that domain. Achieving success through simplifying things is not difficult; instead, it will ensure eventual success

Be a Postage Stamp

Instead of being uncertain and setting 5 different long-term goals, set just 1 proper goal that aligns with your dream and be a postage stamp- stick to your dream, until you get there! This is how you will be able to wield the power of finding More in Less.

As The Minimalists say, How about imagining a life of less stress, less clutter, less discontent, and more time, more meaningful relations along with more growth How rich would that be!

About the Author

Pallavi Rakhecha
Deputy Strategist and Content Writer


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About the Author

Pallavi Rakhecha
Deputy Strategist and Content Writer


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